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Paint the Walls

Contractors and Service Providers

It only takes ONE unhappy customer to bankrupt you without the right protection.

We help ethical contractors and service providers who consistently meet and exceed client expectations to thrive.

Attract More of the Right Customers
Are You Properly Insured
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Attract More of the Right Customers


I have heard many contractors say: “Measure twice and cut once.” Which simply means, do the right things first and enjoy a successful outcome. My desire is that the best contractors who live by the Golden Rule continue to thrive and those that do not go out of business.


Thus, one of the objectives of Kaamalot is to increase the number of great customers for great contractors. I believe that the best way to ensure you will have more great customers is to set clear expectations with your existing customers and deliver on your commitments. Regarding setting clear expectations, if you don’t use a standard Statement of Work (SOW) agreement, there is no better time to start using one than now.


I will send you our SOW and our Code of Conduct agreement FREE upon request. Executing our Code of Conduct Agreement with your customers will give them peace of mind that you are a person of integrity and excellence and will differentiate you from your competition.


For FREE statements of work and Code of Conduct agreements, simply request them by sending an email to: or by completing the "Contact Us" form on the Home Page.


Continued success to all the chivalrous contractors and service providers!


Are you Properly Insured?


Stuff happens! After my first fender-bender, my Dad told me: "The reason they call them 'accidents' is because what happened wasn’t on purpose." Many times stuff happens that are not on purpose but we still have to deal with the consequences.


So you have general liability insurance in case you or some is injured on a jobsite or if personal property is damaged while you’re working. But what if someone is not pleased with our work? What if there are notable defects? While most contractors believe this won’t happen to them, stuff happens. Construction defect lawsuits are typically filed when a contractor fails to deliver what was agreed upon, such as by:

  • Missing deadlines

  • Using inferior grade materials

  • Completing the job unsatisfactorily

  • Failing to perform the required work

  • Overcharging for the agreed-upon work

  • Completing the job but violationg safety standards

  • Accepting payment but failing to complete the work

  • Etc.

The potential list is exhaustive. Poor workmanship can lead to:

  • Molding

  • Corrosion

  • Leaking roofs

  • Plumbing issues

  • Injuries and fatalities

  • Damaged electrical wiring

  • Cracks in walls and foundation

  • Etc.



You need Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance to protect you against poor workmanship lawsuits.


When I shopped insurance providers for my business, the best rates I found for General Liability and E&O Insurance was Simply BusinessSimply Business is great because they shop dozens of insurance providers for the best rates.


For free GLI and E&OI quotes, click on Simply Business.


While none of us ever expect to need to use our insurance policies, some insurance is required by law and other coverage just make sense if we want to protect our livelihood and our loved ones.


What if You are Sued?


OK. After years of successful projects it finally happens. Someone is suing you. Maybe the you used materials that had a manufacturer's recall unbeknownst to you that caused workmanship defects. Perhaps something was wrong with the concrete mix you ordered and after it was poured and dried, it had significant cracks or was the incorrect color. Regardless of why, you receive a demand letter or a summons to appear in court. What now?


Maybe you already have an attorney. If not, you can Google for local attorneys or ask friends for referrals. Just like GL and E&O insurance are proactive ways to protect you from loss, I believe proactive legal protection is not only wise and essential.



Again do you own homework, but I have found that Rocket Lawyer offers the best coverage, the best service and the best total cost of ownership. Let me explain.


I have a prepaid legal service through an employer that is less expensive that Rocket Lawyer. Upon needing legal assistance for a small claims civil lawsuit, I reached out to the attorneys in my area that were on their list. None of the attorneys would take my case. So I ended up finding an attorney outside of their network. Thus, just because I "saved money" on the monthly premium versus Rocket Lawyer, my total cost of ownership was much higher because I had to go outside of the network at my own expense. Again, do you own research (look deep into reviews, look beyond the company's website, look at Trustpilot, BBB, ConsumerAffairs, etc.).


Rocket Lawyer offers a free 7-day trial, no contract and you can cancel anytime. Many questions can be handled by their attorneys on staff. However, if you need a local attorney, you can employ an in-network attorney at up to 40% off their hourly rate. Since this is a tax-write off anyway, doesn't it make sense to have a legal team immediately assessible that can assist you with professional and personal legal requests?


Click here to learn more about Rocket Lawyer.

What if You are Sued
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